Monday, November 5, 2007

Site rework

Well, as I mentioned in my last blog, in rereading the stories on my ASSTR website, I found numerous spelling and grammatical errors so now I have a major overhaul underway. In addition to correcting those errors, I'm reorganizing the filesystem, to hopefully improve and standardize file access, and in the process I'm making all of the pages what I hope is XHTML-compliant.

Don't expect a major change in the "look and feel" of the site, though; most of the changes are below that level.

I've finished the reworks for Breakdown and Whither Away?, but I'm going to wait until the whole site is finished before re-posting anything. This is necessary because the changes in the filesystem structure will affect the URL used to get to any particular story. I may even wait to do a mass update until the next chapter of Schroedinger's Cat is ready for posting. The reason being, to avoid creating an "invisible update".

Incidentally, I have been guilty of "invisible updates" to my site before; you know the kind, it's where an author makes some minimal change in one or more pages, and his handle shows up on the "New Author's" list at ASSTR, but there is no actual new material. My favorite authors do "due diligence" in trying to avoid that, but everyone does it inadvertently at times. Considering how much it irritates me, I will also attempt "due diligence," but I'll probably slip up sometimes.



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