Friday, October 10, 2008

Changing Priorities

I've posted a new Swarm story. It's called Changing Priorities, and it develops on the concept of "the Godfather in Outer Space," that was exposed in Family Values. It's on both ASSTR and SOL.

I'm going to take a vacation from the Swarm for awhile. My other writing projects have fallen 'way behind, and I need to move them along a little faster, so no more new Swarm stories from me for awhile. There are lots of great writers doing stories for the Swarm universe, though, so if you haven't checked them out, this would be a great time to do so!

1 comment:

George said...

I just finished Changing Priorities.

I can understand your desire to return to your other writing ... but I think you should know that these two 'godfather' stories have earned you an eager audience for more.