Saturday, November 1, 2008

New Chapter

Well, as promised, Schroedinger's Cat, Chapter 7 is finished and posted, and will be available with the next ASSTR update. No real suspense, I think, but some interesting personal stuff going on, and a little local color. Getting real close to the party now.

Homecoming Chapter 2 is underway again, and I hope to finish it soon.

I may or may not get back to writing in the Swarm universe soon, but another author has indicated some interest in writing a new tale involving the cosca of Family Values and Changing Priorities fame. I've seen some of the preliminary work, and what I've seen looks pretty good.

I'm not sure how much longer I'll continue writing for the Web. Writing, for me, is a way to fill the time between stories by my favorite authors. When they go on hiatus, that's when I write. When I do write, there are usually several stories vying for my time. One thing is for sure: Once Schroedinger and Homecoming are complete, I'm only going to post new stories that I've completely finished. Chapter-wise posting aggravates readers (even when they want it!), and causes me too many headaches in maintaining story flow and logical consistency.

That's all I have for right now. Have a great day.

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