Monday, April 21, 2008

An FTP experiment...

In the two or three years I've been posting to ASSTR, I've never used the FTP site. The reason is simple: I wanted more control over the stories than uploading plain text files, or Word documents, to an ftp site would allow. I could have solved the problem a long time ago, except that I always felt that the cost of Adobe Acrobat (full version) was much too high to justify buying it for that purpose.

Recently though, I had the good fortune to come across the PDF995 software suite, from a company called Software995. The suite contains utliities for creating, signing, securing, and encrypting PDF documents, and all of the elements are available via free download. The freeware version has the usual annoying popups, but hey, it's free! If you dislike the popups enough, you can get rid of them for less than twenty bucks.

I've decided to use the PDF995 suite to test the demand for ftp downloads. I've created a PDF document will all four chapters, plus the epilogue, for Breakdown, and before I go to bed tonight, it'll be posted on my ftp site. I'll watch the download statistics to see if there's enough demand to continue it with the other stories.