Well, I finally noticed that the reviewers at Literotica have rejected the epiloque of Breakdown as being too short. Lit requires individual postings to be larger than 750 words. I don't know if the review process is automated or not but apparently the fact that it is part of a larger story doesn't matter.
Rather than piss and moan about it, I need to decide what to do about it. The epilogue isn't absolutely necessary to the story... it was just a mechanism to smooth out a rather abrupt ending. I could just let it end with Chapter 4, or I could simply tack the epilogue onto the end of the Chapter 4 submission.
In its previous life on another site, Breakdown was fairly popular, receiving copious positive reader feedback, and many requests for continuing the story. While I, felt at the time, that there would be more stories forthcoming about Galen and his ladies, I had other projects on the front burner.
Now though, work on Schroedinger's Cat seems to be creeping very slowly, and maybe I need to put it aside for awhile, to see what Galen and the girls are up to. Anyone else want to weigh in on this?
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Friday, December 21, 2007
More negative feedback
Obviously, the negative critic from Chapter 1 of Breakdown didn't like Chapter 2 either. His/her new comment post (I think I'll just use it, instead of this politically correct shit):
Quantum Mechanis is really QUANTUM ASSHOLE
12/21/07 by Anonymous
Hey! I got a promotion! Yesterday I was only a jerk, now I'm an asshole.. that is assuming that the spelling of the name is just a typo (its, not mine!)...
Given its response to the first two chapters, I can't wait to see how I evolve when Chapter 3 is released. If it happens to be a dyke pretending to be a Domme, the next comment ought to be pretty colorful... and maybe contain more substance!
12/21/07 by Anonymous
Hey! I got a promotion! Yesterday I was only a jerk, now I'm an asshole.. that is assuming that the spelling of the name is just a typo (its, not mine!)...
Given its response to the first two chapters, I can't wait to see how I evolve when Chapter 3 is released. If it happens to be a dyke pretending to be a Domme, the next comment ought to be pretty colorful... and maybe contain more substance!
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Feedback - Breakdown
I just got my first-ever negative feedback today. It was from Literotica, and I quote:
Quantum Mechanic is really a
12/20/07 by Anonymous
Quantum Jerk
That was it. Very helpful, informative feedback, aye? Surprisingly, it was on a story that I had posted previously (Breakdown) on another website (ASSTR), and which had received a good deal of positive feedback there. There are four chapters and an epilogue to the story, and while all have been submitted, Lit has only released chapter 1 to the website. Of course, that's probably enough to decide if you don't like a story.
If you don't like my story, fine. Tell me what you don't like, and if I think I can make a better story out of it, maybe I'll change it. Quite aside from the infantile nature of one-liners calling me a jerk, they don't help me become a better writer.
To balance this out, though, I did get a very nice email from another reader, who did not choose to remain anonymous to me. I hope that the rest of the story proves as interesting as that reader anticipates.
12/20/07 by Anonymous
Quantum Jerk
That was it. Very helpful, informative feedback, aye? Surprisingly, it was on a story that I had posted previously (Breakdown) on another website (ASSTR), and which had received a good deal of positive feedback there. There are four chapters and an epilogue to the story, and while all have been submitted, Lit has only released chapter 1 to the website. Of course, that's probably enough to decide if you don't like a story.
If you don't like my story, fine. Tell me what you don't like, and if I think I can make a better story out of it, maybe I'll change it. Quite aside from the infantile nature of one-liners calling me a jerk, they don't help me become a better writer.
To balance this out, though, I did get a very nice email from another reader, who did not choose to remain anonymous to me. I hope that the rest of the story proves as interesting as that reader anticipates.
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Dominance and submission
It seems all the easy words have been written, and inspiration is in short supply. Time between chapters grows, and this bores me. When this happens, my mind wanders, and recently it has been wandering in perilous directions.
In my profile, I have alluded to the position that both my SO and I are tops, and that this frequently is the root of more tension in our household than is usually considered desirable. On the other hand, I am often given cause to wonder, however, if she might not be a switch. rather than a top.
Being the top in a relationship demands that one accept responsibility for both the making of, and the outcome of, important, often life-changing decisions. Acting on the presumption that she is an equal partner, rather than my sub, I always offer her the opportunity to participate in this process as often as is possible: however, I usually end up having the entire decision thrown back in my lap. Not credible behavior for a Domme, if you ask me.
It also seems to me that frequently, she is easily pushed into doing things that do not appear to be desirable from her perspective. Of course I don't mind this if I am the one doing the pushing, but it irritates me no end if someone else does it to her. This most often happens in connection with her work, and takes the form of psychological bullying. I have spoken with her frequently (to little avail) about the difficulty I have in accepting her acquiescence to this treatment. I can forsee a time when I may have to take some drastic action to bring this cycle to an end. She is mine, damn it!
The thing is, if she is going to act the part of a sub, then she is going to be a sub only to me, unless I specifically and personally authorize that kind behavior toward someone else. I guess that kind of puts my take on the situation out there for everyone to see, and if someone, anyone, doesn't like it, then tough shit!
All this internal grumbling has me thinking about what I would want in a sub, and I've come up with a few things. I know that they are going to offend some people. I don't care. We're talking about a dominant/submissive relationship here. If you can't understand that, get out of my face and out of my life. I'm not particularly into subjecting a sub to pain and/or humiliation, but I can provide it if needed. I do have a few basic rules, however.
First off, dedication. If I am going to be your Dom and all that that entails (making the major decisions for you, providing for you, protecting you, loving you), then I expect you to put me first. First before your children, your parents, your siblings, yourself, your career, or whatever. Not just in terms of meeting my basic physical and biological needs, but also in whatever I might want. It is not yours to judge whether I should want things, only to correctly anticipate and meet my desires and demands. As far as the anticipation part is concerned, if you are worrried about it, just pay attention!
Second, loyalty. Do not become my adversary, or an accomplice to my adversary. Life is a continuous struggle with antagonistic forces, and as the Dom, it is my duty to provide for and protect both of us, as well as our other dependents. It is enough to have to contend with attacks from outside the relationship, without having to worry about getting knives in the back, either real or figurative.
Third, honesty. When I act, I do so based on the information I have. If I am acting on bad information, the outcome of those actions is less likely to be positive for us. Do not knowingly tell me a falsehood. If you tell me something you believe to be true, and then later find out that it is not, tell me so, as quickly as feasible. Don't conceal vital information. That is the same as lying to me, whether the concealment is active or passive. Don't knowingly let me believe something you know to be false. That is the same as concealment, and lying. If you want something, tell me. Chances are, if it is in my power, I'll get/do it for you, or allow/assist you to obtain/do it for yourself. By the same token, if you are afraid of, hostile to, or feel in any way negatively toward something, tell me. To the extent that I both feel I can, and feel that it appropriate to do so, I will most likely accomodate you.
Fourth, obedience. Why the hell would a sub have problems with the concept of obedience? Follow instructions, or in the absence of instructions, do those things that you have a reasonable expectation would please me. If you have reason to believe that my instructions were given based on incomplete or erroneous information, then give me the correct information and ask for confirmation of the instructions. Don't be a bush lawyer, and try to interpret instructions differently from my intent, or accept such interpretations from others: that is just another form of disobedience. If you are truly unclear on what my wishes/instructions mean, ask. That's the only way I for me to know you need clarification. This should not happen very frequently, as I will make every reasonable effort to be certain that you understand what I want.
Fifth, and finally, love. If you don't love me, none of the rest matters, and if you truly do, the rest will come easily. I am reminded of many conversations with a close friend, who complains about her husband, who has similar rules. Paraphrased, she says, "He won't change for me! When I complain about the way he does things, he just says, 'This is the way I am!' and then he expects me to just live with it!" Since my friend isn't my sub, and I have no wish to alienate her by sticking my nose where it doesn't belong, I have made no attempt to educate her. The fact is, though, her complaint has no merit. He is telling the truth. She married him, and stays in the marriage relationship voluntarily. If she didn't love him enough to accept him for what he was, she shouldn't have entered into the relationship in the first place, and if he has changed in ways that she can't accept, she should end it. Two points need to be made: (1)People change as they grow older, and from the perspective of one partner or the other, the changes may not be good for the relationship. (2)It just takes some individuals longer than others to grow into and realize their role in life, whether as a top, a switch, a bottom, or a vanilla. In either case, the principles still hold, and if the love between two people isn't strong enough to accomodate the changes, it's probably time to end the relationship.
Applying the rules: If you break a rule, for whatever reason, and are contrite, tell me yourself and take the consequences. It'll be better. Don't let me find out another way. That would break my heart, and would forever prohibit further trust. If you break a rule and are self-righteous about it, go find a Dom who can live with that. I can't.
If you can't follow the rules, you aren't my sub. Hell, if you can't do this, can you even call yourself my lover? If you are a sub, you should end the relationship and wait for someone for whom you can follow the rules: otherwise you are just propagating unhappiness for both of us.
And yes, even though you are a sub, you still have the power to end a relationship, at least in this country.
In my profile, I have alluded to the position that both my SO and I are tops, and that this frequently is the root of more tension in our household than is usually considered desirable. On the other hand, I am often given cause to wonder, however, if she might not be a switch. rather than a top.
Being the top in a relationship demands that one accept responsibility for both the making of, and the outcome of, important, often life-changing decisions. Acting on the presumption that she is an equal partner, rather than my sub, I always offer her the opportunity to participate in this process as often as is possible: however, I usually end up having the entire decision thrown back in my lap. Not credible behavior for a Domme, if you ask me.
It also seems to me that frequently, she is easily pushed into doing things that do not appear to be desirable from her perspective. Of course I don't mind this if I am the one doing the pushing, but it irritates me no end if someone else does it to her. This most often happens in connection with her work, and takes the form of psychological bullying. I have spoken with her frequently (to little avail) about the difficulty I have in accepting her acquiescence to this treatment. I can forsee a time when I may have to take some drastic action to bring this cycle to an end. She is mine, damn it!
The thing is, if she is going to act the part of a sub, then she is going to be a sub only to me, unless I specifically and personally authorize that kind behavior toward someone else. I guess that kind of puts my take on the situation out there for everyone to see, and if someone, anyone, doesn't like it, then tough shit!
All this internal grumbling has me thinking about what I would want in a sub, and I've come up with a few things. I know that they are going to offend some people. I don't care. We're talking about a dominant/submissive relationship here. If you can't understand that, get out of my face and out of my life. I'm not particularly into subjecting a sub to pain and/or humiliation, but I can provide it if needed. I do have a few basic rules, however.
First off, dedication. If I am going to be your Dom and all that that entails (making the major decisions for you, providing for you, protecting you, loving you), then I expect you to put me first. First before your children, your parents, your siblings, yourself, your career, or whatever. Not just in terms of meeting my basic physical and biological needs, but also in whatever I might want. It is not yours to judge whether I should want things, only to correctly anticipate and meet my desires and demands. As far as the anticipation part is concerned, if you are worrried about it, just pay attention!
Second, loyalty. Do not become my adversary, or an accomplice to my adversary. Life is a continuous struggle with antagonistic forces, and as the Dom, it is my duty to provide for and protect both of us, as well as our other dependents. It is enough to have to contend with attacks from outside the relationship, without having to worry about getting knives in the back, either real or figurative.
Third, honesty. When I act, I do so based on the information I have. If I am acting on bad information, the outcome of those actions is less likely to be positive for us. Do not knowingly tell me a falsehood. If you tell me something you believe to be true, and then later find out that it is not, tell me so, as quickly as feasible. Don't conceal vital information. That is the same as lying to me, whether the concealment is active or passive. Don't knowingly let me believe something you know to be false. That is the same as concealment, and lying. If you want something, tell me. Chances are, if it is in my power, I'll get/do it for you, or allow/assist you to obtain/do it for yourself. By the same token, if you are afraid of, hostile to, or feel in any way negatively toward something, tell me. To the extent that I both feel I can, and feel that it appropriate to do so, I will most likely accomodate you.
Fourth, obedience. Why the hell would a sub have problems with the concept of obedience? Follow instructions, or in the absence of instructions, do those things that you have a reasonable expectation would please me. If you have reason to believe that my instructions were given based on incomplete or erroneous information, then give me the correct information and ask for confirmation of the instructions. Don't be a bush lawyer, and try to interpret instructions differently from my intent, or accept such interpretations from others: that is just another form of disobedience. If you are truly unclear on what my wishes/instructions mean, ask. That's the only way I for me to know you need clarification. This should not happen very frequently, as I will make every reasonable effort to be certain that you understand what I want.
Fifth, and finally, love. If you don't love me, none of the rest matters, and if you truly do, the rest will come easily. I am reminded of many conversations with a close friend, who complains about her husband, who has similar rules. Paraphrased, she says, "He won't change for me! When I complain about the way he does things, he just says, 'This is the way I am!' and then he expects me to just live with it!" Since my friend isn't my sub, and I have no wish to alienate her by sticking my nose where it doesn't belong, I have made no attempt to educate her. The fact is, though, her complaint has no merit. He is telling the truth. She married him, and stays in the marriage relationship voluntarily. If she didn't love him enough to accept him for what he was, she shouldn't have entered into the relationship in the first place, and if he has changed in ways that she can't accept, she should end it. Two points need to be made: (1)People change as they grow older, and from the perspective of one partner or the other, the changes may not be good for the relationship. (2)It just takes some individuals longer than others to grow into and realize their role in life, whether as a top, a switch, a bottom, or a vanilla. In either case, the principles still hold, and if the love between two people isn't strong enough to accomodate the changes, it's probably time to end the relationship.
Applying the rules: If you break a rule, for whatever reason, and are contrite, tell me yourself and take the consequences. It'll be better. Don't let me find out another way. That would break my heart, and would forever prohibit further trust. If you break a rule and are self-righteous about it, go find a Dom who can live with that. I can't.
If you can't follow the rules, you aren't my sub. Hell, if you can't do this, can you even call yourself my lover? If you are a sub, you should end the relationship and wait for someone for whom you can follow the rules: otherwise you are just propagating unhappiness for both of us.
And yes, even though you are a sub, you still have the power to end a relationship, at least in this country.
Alternative Lifestyle,
Saturday, December 1, 2007
Chapter 5 is UP!
Fly Away Home has been a particularly hard one to write. So much of what is going to happen depends on the way events go in this chapter. I guess that's always true, though. Anyway, it's finally done, and I'm starting on Chapter 6. I haven't figured out a suitable subtitle for it yet.
All of the page conversions are now done, and I posted them at the same time as I posted the new chapter. All my current pages are now XHTML 1.0 (strict) compliant.
Yea, me!
All of the page conversions are now done, and I posted them at the same time as I posted the new chapter. All my current pages are now XHTML 1.0 (strict) compliant.
Yea, me!
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