Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Left Behind - a (short) Swarm pickup parody

Back in January or so, of this year, when many of us were in the winter doldrums, one of the more enthusiastic Swarm authors got the idea that we should have a contest, the theme of which to find out who could write the best pickup story. There was a twist, though, and it was that the story had to involve one or more of the actual Swam authors. This was my entry. It didn't win, of course, and it sat around languishing ever since, but I ran across it today and thought some of you might enjoy it. Keep in mind that it is a parody, and not part of the Swarm canon!

1 comment:

John Robert Mead said...

After much thought, I finally figured out what the parody was; the amount of beer with no donations.

Other than that, this is clearly the pure quill uncut thionite that we have come to expect from Quantum Mechanic.