Thursday, November 6, 2008
The Priests' Wedding
As you might surmise from the title, it describes the toils and tribulations of the priests sent to minister to the cosca, as they try to implement the Pope's directives concerning marriage and the priesthood. Melissa has assembled a wonderful, sexy tale full of humor, angst, love and purpose. Please enjoy it as much as I did!
Saturday, November 1, 2008
New Chapter
Homecoming Chapter 2 is underway again, and I hope to finish it soon.
I may or may not get back to writing in the Swarm universe soon, but another author has indicated some interest in writing a new tale involving the cosca of Family Values and Changing Priorities fame. I've seen some of the preliminary work, and what I've seen looks pretty good.
I'm not sure how much longer I'll continue writing for the Web. Writing, for me, is a way to fill the time between stories by my favorite authors. When they go on hiatus, that's when I write. When I do write, there are usually several stories vying for my time. One thing is for sure: Once Schroedinger and Homecoming are complete, I'm only going to post new stories that I've completely finished. Chapter-wise posting aggravates readers (even when they want it!), and causes me too many headaches in maintaining story flow and logical consistency.
That's all I have for right now. Have a great day.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
No, there won't be any more Swarm stories from me for awhile, at least not until I've caught up a little more on my backlog. There are a bunch of other Swarm authors, though, and judging by the discussions going on, a lot of exciting new stories coming down the pike! Be sure to check frequently on the Thinking Horndog's New Swarm Stories page.. or, you could do like I do, sometimes, and haunt SOL...
Friday, October 10, 2008
Changing Priorities
I'm going to take a vacation from the Swarm for awhile. My other writing projects have fallen 'way behind, and I need to move them along a little faster, so no more new Swarm stories from me for awhile. There are lots of great writers doing stories for the Swarm universe, though, so if you haven't checked them out, this would be a great time to do so!
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Another stories site
Of course, any stories I write, including any in the Swarm universe, will continue to be posted on my main stories site at ASSTR. SOL is just another venue. It may also have a positive side for a couple of readers who have mentioned that my main site is hard on their eyes. Although SOL allows some minor customization, I have no intention to try for anything striking at the moment. I will also continue to convert stories, as time permits, to PDF format for both FTP and web download.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
The Panty Raid
It's called The Panty Raid, and its been percolating in my head for quite awhile. The idea to write this story has been bothering me for about a year now. I didn't really want to do it, but it wouldn't let me go, so here it is. It's a pretty dark tale, and parts of it kind of make me mad.
The event that inspired the story is over 30 years old, and was actually not very exciting. I had heard or read somewhere, that some guys at my old alma mater had pulled off a panty raid, and mentioned it in passing to a female friend. I recall being amused about it. She quickly disabused me of the notion that it was just good clean fun. With prejudice. Seems some friends of hers were victims of some pretty rough treatment during a college panty raid, and that the rumor mill spoke of multiple sexual assaults, as well.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Family Values
It's shorter than I thought it would be, only three chapters (about 12K-13K words), and the character development was somewhat of a surprise to me. Let me know if you like it.
Thursday, August 7, 2008
It's FICTION, dumbass!
Monday, April 21, 2008
An FTP experiment...
Recently though, I had the good fortune to come across the PDF995 software suite, from a company called Software995. The suite contains utliities for creating, signing, securing, and encrypting PDF documents, and all of the elements are available via free download. The freeware version has the usual annoying popups, but hey, it's free! If you dislike the popups enough, you can get rid of them for less than twenty bucks.
I've decided to use the PDF995 suite to test the demand for ftp downloads. I've created a PDF document will all four chapters, plus the epilogue, for Breakdown, and before I go to bed tonight, it'll be posted on my ftp site. I'll watch the download statistics to see if there's enough demand to continue it with the other stories.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
New Galen Story!
The addition of the new story caused a need to reorganize several parts of my ASSTR website (naturally), so today's updates are more massive than just posting a story. Galen has gone from being the main character in a single story (Breakdown), to being the central figure in a universe of stories (The Life and Times of Galen Cuvier). And yes, it's likely that there will be more Galen stories after Homecoming? is finished.
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Phantom updates on ASSTR
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Moving day is over!
I've finally gotten fed up with the restrictions that MySpace placed on my blogging. I write stories. Some, perhaps most, of my stories describe sex acts in more or less explicit terms. This means that many, perhaps most, hosting services classify my stories as erotic stories.
For me, the only reason to have a blog in the first place, is so that I can let my readers know about the status of my stories. That includes not only which stories are actively being worked upon, and where they are in the creative process, but also live links to websites where they can be found, like ASSTR, Electronic Wilderness Publishing, and Literotica. Simple things like that. Every time I tried to make these links available in my blog on MySpace, the censors redirected them to the MySpace login page. Not very helpful.
Anyway, I've now migrated the blogs that I'd previously posted on MySpace to this site, and I'll be changing the links on my story pages to point here for my blogs.
For my readers: thanks for your patience. Please bear with me a little longer. For everyone else: read my stuff! You can get to it at the above links.
Sunday, February 10, 2008
This and that
Only two readers, as of this moment, actually took time to comment on it in writing: one as instant feedback, which everyone can see (at the end of the essay), and the other as an email critique. The instant feedback was short and complimentary, while the email was a little longer and somewhat more critical.
In my critic's view, I didn't stress safety enough in the essay, and that may be true. I thought I had, but perhaps I should have said more, or said it more emphatically. As I responded to my critic, I don't think it possible to be too concerned about safety, especially if you are engaged in activities that have the potential to maim or kill people.
At any rate, I don't think I'll make any changes just yet, in case there are more people out there who might have pertinent comments to make. In a few more days, after everyone who might wish to do so has had an opportunity to comment, I'll consider what changes to make, and probably issue an update.
Work proceeds slowly on the three stories I am actively writing, and I have so far successfully resisted putting more work in on the fourth. I hope to have the first chapter of Homecoming? ready to post soon. When I do, it will go up first on Literotica, then on EWP and ASSTR.
As I said previously, the Swarm Cycle story I'm working on won't be posted until it has been completed and blessed by the creator of the Swarm Universe.
I only just had a breakthrough on Chapter 7 of Schroedinger, so it'll be a little while before it's ready to post.
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Clarification: D/s and S/m Personalities
In the first blog of the set, I set forth my views of the meaning of dominance and submission, characterizing the D/s experience as a relationship. The relationship, however, takes its name from the principal personality characteristics of the participants.
As a Dominant, I have to admit to a predisposition for obtaining personal satisfaction or gratification, through controlling or influencing others. Any particular Dom (or Domme) may excercise control to any level of detail, using any of a variety of methods, with any degree of subtlety. A short, and by no means exhaustive, list of motivations might include:
- Perception that having control over others gives one greater control of his/her own life;
Conviction that one is ultimately and directly responsible for outcomes resulting from any decisions; - Greater confidence in one's own ability to plan, reason, and execute, than in that of others;
- Expectation of some specific advantage to be gained through excercising control: e.g., a potential or real improvement in financial, social, or sexual opportunities or outcomes.
With a little thought and dedication, one could probably extend this list indefinitely; however, these few bullets probably cover the majority of the bases. The need to be dominant doesn't require many of these motivations to be present - any one is enough - but probably most Dom/mes have several active issues.
Being a Dom/me doesn't by itself create a D/s relationship. It does, however, predispose one to seek out or establish one or more such relationships. In order to effect such a relationship, obviously, one must needs find a submissive personality to dominate; but what's in it for the submissive?
By definition, a submissive (sub) is one who obtains satisfaction or gratification through being controlled. Motivations for this behavior (again, not an exhaustive list) may include:
- A desire to be cared for, avoid personal responsibility, and have most major decisions made by another;
- Emotional, and often sexual, satisfaction achieved by submitting to another. Anecdotal evidence exists to support the existence of extreme cases, in which a submissive can actually achieve orgasm at the Dom/mes whim, without any physical stimulation at all.
- A desire and commitment to provide for the convenience, comfort, well-being, and satisfaction - including sexual satisfaction - of another, with little or no regard for the consequences to one's person.
- Confirmation of self-worth, often, but not always, tangible. This is usually some kind of reward for submission to a Dom/me, and might be a mark, or a piece of jewelry, or even an item of clothing. The possibilities are endless.
A sub in a D/s relationship may or may not willingly make minor decisions, but will always defer to the Dom/me if there is a conflict. The sub may be capable, but not usually desirous of managing all aspects of his/her life.
I should mention that there exists a subset of D/s relationships where the polarization of roles is much more extreme: in the Master/slave (M/s) type of relationship dominance becomes ownership, and submission becomes slavery. In an M/s relationship, both the level of authority and responsibility of the Dom/me are radically increased, concurrently with an increase in the level of dependence and subservience of the submissive.
Marks, if used as evidence of submission, may be temporary (like a hickey) or permanent (like a tattoo or brand). More often, jewelry, such as a ring, bracelet or necklace; or a particular item of clothing (perhaps a scarf or belt, or even underwear) will be used. It may only be that the Dom/me selects sub's clothing , or just the style of clothing on a daily basis; or perhaps a hairstyle or makeup and scents.
A sub might accept pain or humiliation inflicted as well-deserved punishment. Selfless devotion to a Dom/me who is also a Sadist might motivate the sub to accept pain as a means of delivering pleasure to the Dom/me. Unless the sub is also a masochist, however, he/she is not motivated to seek it for his/her own "benefit."
A word about role-playing: an apparent sub may be a true submissive, or may only be role-playing. A sub also may or may not be a masochist, and if not, may role-play at being one.
Now we will distinguish between Dom/mes, Sadists, subs, and masochists.
A Sadist obtains gratification through delivering humiliation, discomfort, or preferably, pain, to someone else. That is the defining characteristic and motivation. End of story.
A Masochist obtains gratification through recieving humiliation, discomfort, or pain. Motivations may include:
- Sexual satisfaction, derived from experiencing abuse.
- A need for punishment for past or present thoughts, desires, or misdeeds.
- An endorphin "rush," induced by overwhelming physical pain.
The requred abuse is most often physical, but can be emotional (humiliation). Corroborated evidence exists that some masochists can only achieve orgasm through painful genital abuse. Anecdotal evidence indicates that others can achieve it through extreme humiliation. In any case, abuse usually stimulates the masochist's libido, and/or intensifies a concurrent or subsequent sexual experience.
A masochist will not necessarily be involved as a sub in a D/s relationship, and therefore may or may not defer to a Dom/me on any particular decision. A masochist can be perfectly capable and desirous of managing his/her own life.
Unless the masochist is also a submissive, he/she doesn't necessarily require tangible evidence of status. A pure masochist, however, may use enhancements to his/her physical appearance to "advertise" availability. Given the nature of his/her activities, there may also be incidental collateral visible evidence, such as scars, burns, cuts, lash marks, etc.
A masochist may role-play at being a submissive; however, in general, masochism itself is not a role: it is a deeply-rooted mindset. The consequences are usually too severe to be acceptable to role-players.
In summary: A Sadist may or may not be a Dom/me. A Dom/me may or may not be a Sadist. One need not be both to be one or the other. A masochist may or may not be a submissive. A submissive may or may not be a masochist. One need not be both to be one or the other. It's technically feasible for a Dom/me to be a masochist (I think I even know a few of those) or a sub to be a Sadist.
Now, with any luck I have explained, or perhaps clouded, the issues of D/s and BDSM enough that my critics are either too impressed or too confused to further question my assertions about my own personality.
Thank you for reading.
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Clarification: Bondage and Discipline
- Both of these words have multiple meanings, and some more than others are relevant to the "lifestyle." Let's start with discipline. The definition that comes most readily to mind, for most people, goes something like this:
- "To punish or chastise in order to gain control of another, or to enforce obedience."
- Others have more to do with a learning experience:
- "A specific, usually named, set of rules of behavior";
- "To train for the purpose of achieving behavior that complies with a set of rules";
- "Behavior that is in accord with an established set of rules";
- What about bondage? The definition most applicable in the "lifestyle." is as follows:
- "A state of being physically restrained for purposes of sexual gratification."
- Other definitions which may at times be used are:
- The state of being under the control of another person;
- Being a slave or serf;
- Indenture, slavery, or serfdom;
and many variants on the theme. The mental states that describe being in bondage aside, in "lifestyle" terms, it usually refers to the physical restraint of a person, using ropes, chains or a variety of other devices that limit or prohibit movement.
When bondage and/or discipline is used for purposes of behavior modification, it can be considered a true disciplinary regime. This is a normal, but not necessarily frequent or required, part of a Dominant/submissive relationship.
The use of bondage and discipline to achieve immediate sexual gratification depends on the potential of the practises to cause or experience pain, discomfort, humiliation, or helplessness, as an outcome. When used in this way, these practises lay more in the domain of Sadism and masochism.
Whether or not the target is bound, physical punishment as part of discipline may be delivered in a wide variety of methods. If you want a catalog of tools, go to your favorite fetish shop and you will no doubt find a huge array of items designed to inflict any level of pain to any body part desired. Novice disciplinarians though, should proceed with extreme caution. It would be altogether too easy to cause permanent damage or disfigurement, through ignorance.
The idea of an apprenticeship for disciplinarians has great appeal, but there is the problem of finding a credible instructor. One way might be to ask for recommendations from a submissive who has participated in multiple scenes. Before you accept such recommendations, however, be sure to perform a full-body inspection of the submissive - remember, it takes all kinds, and your advisor may think nothing of the fact that his/her body is covered with lesions and scars.
Punishment using humiliation requires more thoughtfulness, and a much more intimate knowledge of the abusee's state of mind..
Given the potential for these practises to result in injury, disfigurement and in extreme cases, even death, one seldom comes upon anyone who engages in them on a permanent, full time basis. Most often, participants in the activities engage in what is knowns as scenes. Before we get into a discussion of what scenes are, lets first deal with another concept: that of the Safe, Sane, and Consensual (SSC) credo.
- It should be obvious even to the most casual observer, that these practises can result in great harm to some participants, and put others at risk for jail terms. To mitigate these risks, and hopefully eliminate them, ethical practitioners only engage in activities that are:
- Safe - To the extent humanly possible, risks of physical and psychological damage to each participant are identified and eliminated.
- Sane - All parties to the activities are nominally sane, and in control of their decisions. It should be obvious that any use of drugs or alcohol would automatically violate this condition.
- Consensual - All parties are fully informed of intended and potential outcomes of the activities, and agree to participate voluntarily. It should be noted that, even if written consent is obtained, it will probably NOT provide legal protection for anyone in the event of a death, or significant physical or psychological injury to one or more participants. Let me repeat this in clearer terms: CONSENSUAL OR NOT, IF YOU KILL OR INJURE SOMEONE DURING THE ACTIVITY, EVEN ACCIDENTLY, YOU WILL IN ALL PROBABILITY BE PROSECUTED!
Sometimes participants will use another term for it, but a scene is a somewhat choreographed session, occurring over a defined period of time, with specific and clearly understood rules which establish limits governing the type and intensity of activities to be undertaken.
One implication of the SSC credo, is that consent is dynamic. Consent may be withdrawn or modified (reduced) unilaterally, at any time by either party, and such withdrawls or reductions are binding! For this reason scene rules also usually define the safewords: i.e., words that the receiver of abuse holds in reserve, to be used only as signals that things are going too fast or too far. It is most common to have only one safeword, which stops activity altogether, but sometimes a second safeword is used to indicate a need to reduce the intensity of the activity.
Obviously, if a scene includes having the abusee gagged or otherwise silenced, some alternative means of signalling an end to the activity must be agreed upon, up front. Since most means of silencing the abusee have a significant concurrent risk of asphyxiation, such practises are generally discouraged for any level of activity beyond erotic photography.
- About safewords and safesignals: It would be extremely easy to get so involved in an activity that the disciplinarian fails to notice or heed such signals. It is good practise to pause action at regular intervals for a reality check. During these pauses, both the giver and receiver of discipline should clearly and distinctly reaffirm the specific signals to be used and honored. The reaffrmation should be clear, distinct, and unambiguous - redundancy is NOT a bad thing! The conversation might go something like this:
- M: "Slave! What is your STOP safeword?"
S: "Sir! My STOP safeword is DUTCH!"
M: "Slave! Your STOP safeword is DUTCH! Is that correct?"
S: "Yes Sir!"
M: "Slave! What is your SLOW safeword?"
S: "SIr! My SLOW safeword is AGAR!"
M: "Slave! Your SLOW safeword is AGAR! Is that correct?"
S: "Yes Sir!"
As I said, clear, distinct, and unambiguous - and redundant. This exchange brings up a few other things about safewords. The words should be short and intelligible even if issued during a scream - for obvious reasons. They should be completely out of place for the action that occurs during the scene - so that if used, they are guarranteed to stand out from the action and get attention. If used the word should be shouted, not mumbled, and MUST BE HONORED AT ONCE! A disciplinarian who fails to heed a safeword runs not just the risks associated with the activity, but may find him/herself unable to find any willing playmates - ever again.
Inasmuch as this is a blog, and not a textbook, this is about as far as I intend to go in discussing bondage and discipline. There are a lot of web-base resources for learning about them, as well as about the practises of sadism and masochism, and dominant/submissive relationships. Unfortunately sometimes those resources are erroneous or are deliberately misleading. Your best resource in dealing with these subjects is common sense.
The next, and last blog in the Clarifications set will be a cursory discussion of personalities and motivations, and how they relate to D/s relationships and BDSM practises.
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Yes, that means I won't be posting individual chapters immediately upon finishing them. Thinker doesn't want to review stuff piecemeal, and I understand that. At the same time, I don't plan to put anything up on my own sites that doesn't have "official blessing". I have to say, even as much as I have problems maintaining logical consistency between chapters of my one of my own stories, it is much more difficult to do so with a collection of works from different authors. What I find myself doing is avoiding topics that offer opportunities to screw up.
Anyway, as of about 10:00 AM today, Chapter 1 of that story is done, although it may suffer some editing later on. It's about 5K words, same as most of the chapters in most of my works. I expect about 4 or 5 chapters, total, when the story is done; but as Thinker pointed out, estimates like that are worth about what you pay for them. We'll see.
I'll try to get back to the "Clarifications" blog set in the next day or two. Again, we'll see. I have more to write on the next Galen story (for which chapters will be posted as they are completed!) and Chapter 7 of Schroedinger's Cat is languishing while I play at these other things. Other works beckon to me, one very insistently. Sometimes I wish I were twins!
Oh well. Bye for now.
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Clarification: Sadism and masochism
Let's get one thing clear, right now. This is probably going to twist some tails, but there is no such thing as a Sadomasochistic relationship. If you will follow my arguments for just a little while, you'll see why. Let's look at some history and definitions.
The term Sadism derives from certain sexual practises, described in novels written by le Comte Donatien Alphonse François de Sade, often appellated as Marquis de Sade. During his lifetime, de Sade frequently attempted and sometimes succeeded in creating real-life situations, similar to those in his novels, in which he inflicted pain on others for his own gratification.
- Most dictionaries will give a definition of Sadism similar to the following:
- "behavior characterized by inflicting pain (physical or emotional) on others, for the purpose of sexual gratification."
- A Sadist then, is simply:
- "an individual who practices Sadism."
In 1870, an Austrian novelist named Leopold von Sacher-Masoch published a novella titled Venus in Furs, in which, through the characters he described, he codified his obsession to be used and abused by the object of his desire. He had somewhat less success at achieving any long-term happiness in this way, in real life - I suspect a case of conflicting goals. At any rate Masoch achieved a kind of immortality, when psychiatrist Richard Freiherr von Krafft-Ebing coined the term "masochist," in 1886, to describe such obsessions.
- The dictionary definitions of masochism can be summed up as follows:
- "achieving pleasure or sexual gratification from being humiliated, or from being physically or emotionally abused, either by oneself or another person."
Complain all you want, but then look at the facts.
There may be a D/s relationship which includes Sadomasochistic overtones. There may be a love relationship, or even just a friendship with such overtones. A pair of total strangers, with no relationship at all, or only the temporary relationship of perpetrator and victim, can engage in a Sadomasochistic behavior.
Clearly a "pure" Sadist (one who has no specific relationship with his victim) does not require a masochist in order to get his/her jollies. He/she can gain pleasure from hurting anybody, whether they enjoy it or not. In fact their enjoyment of the process might actually detract from his own.
Conversely, a "pure" masochist doesn't require a Sadist, in order to have fun. Anybody will do, even someone who detests treating people harshly. Oddly enough, even another masochist will do. If no one else can be found, a masochist is often perfectly capable of becoming the source of his/her own pain. No relationship there, because nobody else is involved.
Here's the thing about relationships: for a relationship to exist, there have to be two personalities involved. For both the Sadist and the masochist, the other person involved in their activities is so completely objectified, that for all intents and puposes there is no other personality involved. Furthermore, if you want to establish that some fact or condition characterizes a relationship, you have to show that it is both a necessary and a sufficient condition for the relationship to exist. There's no way to do this with Sadism and masochism: all of the relationships you might point to are either driven by something else, or they don't qualify as relationships. Ergo, there is no such thing as a Sadomasochistic relationship.
So where does that leave us? Not quite in the dark. Sadism and masochism cannot themselves define a relationship, even in part; but they are personality traits, and there is some evidence to the effect that everyone possesses them to one degree or another. As a society, we tend to ingore these traits, unless the form of expression is extreme.
The terms have also been co-opted to refer to certain behaviors or practises (remember my previous blog?) involving the delivery or experiencing of pain or humiliation. By mainstream standards, these practises are considered to be deviant behavior, and the personalities that actively seek to engage in them are usually considered borderline, or completely, insane.
Hold on, now! I know you don't consider your harmless little bit of fun to be evidence of insanity. I'm just telling you what you already know. If you got caught doing it, by anybody with a badge, you would be taken into custody, for your safety and that of society at large. Maybe for a very long time! Of course, if you're a masochist, the idea of confinement might not be unpalatable...
As an aside, it should be noted that Sadism and masochism are not mutually exclusive personality traits. The term "switch," as used in the "lifestyle," ultimately derives from the fact that, early on, the mental health community recognized that some individuals can derive their pleasure from being on either side of the abuse process.
Most people involved in Sadism and masochism today, do not try to engage in those practises as a total lifestyle (24/7). I said most. There are always exceptions, and that's why we have asylums. If that pisses you off, too bad. By my personal standards, trying to live 24/7 either giving or receiving pain with any enthusiasm, is conclusive evidence of insanity. They're my standards, and you're not going to change them.
People who just want to a have a little fun now and then, practising Sadomasochism, usually engage in scenes. I can't say much about scenes, without bleeding over into Bondage and Discipline. I want to deal with that in a separate blog, so I'm going to end this one here.
Ta Ta For Now.
Monday, January 21, 2008
Clarification - Dominance and submission
Even given the unlikely chance that they will ever read it, I'm going to try and correct that here, to the extent that it is feasible.
D/s and BDSM are not the same thing. Sometimes it is convenient to lump them all together though, and that creates a lot of the confusion.
D/s is shorthand for Dominance and submission, which phrase describes a kind of relationship between people. BDSM is shorthand for Bondage, Discipline, Sadism and Masochism, which is a collection of practises, in which some people may engage at times (some will also insist that the "DS" in the middle is for Dominance and Submission). For example, one is much more likely to know people involved in a 24/7 D/s relationship (even though you are probably unaware of it) than one is to know anyone who regularly practises Sadism by flogging someone. Let's put this one to bed.
Dominance and Submission
As I said, D/s describes a kind of relationship. A relationship exists only between members of a pair of individuals; and is usually, but not necessarily, different from any relationship that exists between either member of the pair, and another individual, outside the pair. A D/s relationship may be only one of several kinds of relationships that exist between members of the same pair.
Like any relationship, a D/s relationship is driven by the roles played by the participants in the relationship. In this type of relationship, only two roles are of any real importance: the Dominant (or Top, or Dom/me or sometimes, Master/Mistress) role, and the submissive (or bottom, or sub, or sometimes, slave) role.
- A dictionary is often useful in understanding terms. The Merriam-Webster's Medical Dictionary (2002) lists one definition of the noun dominant as follows:
- "a dominant individual in a social hierarchy."
- Since this is a recursive definition, using the same word as an adjective to define the noun, we need to look a little further. The American Heritage Stedman's Medical Dictionary (2002) lists a definition of the adjective dominant as:
- "exercising the most influence or control."
- So, to expand and clarify the first definition, we can define a Dominant as:
- "the individual who excercises the most influence or control in a social hierarchy."
- There isn't as much dictionary support to define the noun submissive, the way we use it,so our efforts will require a little more of a stretch. Experience with the lifestyle would support another recursive definition: i.e.:
- "a submissive individual in a social hierarchy."
- Again, we use a term as an adjective, to define the same term as a noun. There is no shortage of definitions for the adjective, submissive, however, and the one which seems to fit best, comes from the Merriam-Webster's Medical Dictionary (2002):
- "characterized by tendencies to yield to the will or authority of others."
- Expanding and clarifying then, we define a submissive as:
- "an individual who tends to yield to the will or authority of others in a social hierarchy."
Any specific relationship, and thus any D/s relationship, may be said to exist in a continuum of such relationships of the same kind, and the location of the relationship between any two particular people within the continuum, may be described by expressing the amplitude (intensity) of one or more characteristics of the relationship.
In his stories, one of my favorite online authors (MWTB) describes Dominance and submission as aspects of a single quantity: a number line, if you will, with submission at one end of the scale and dominance at the other. In his view, then, where you fall on the line determines which role you normally play.
I actually believe that Dominance and submission are two separate characteristics, and that everyone has both characteristics, in different quantities. As separate characteristics, Dominance and submission can be described in a Cartesion two-space (plane). In this view, the D/s relationship between any two people can be described by where they fall on the plane.
The so called vanilla relationship, for instance, is not a different kind of relationship at all. It is just a situation that happens when two people assume that they are at more or less the same place on the plane. When a person's entire lifestyle is characterized as vanilla, it simply means that he/she habitually treats the people around him/her as social equals. It usually signals a lack of awareness on his/her part, about where on the D/s plane the people surrounding him/her are, leading to the (sometimes) erroneous assumption that everyone is about where he/she is on the plane.
As you can see, being a Dominant doesn't necessarily require that you tie anyone up, or flog them, or in any way be cruel or rude to them, and being submissive doesn't have to mean that you have any of these things done to you. Bottom line: being a Dominant requires that you make most of the important decisions about the relationship, and being submissive requires that you accept, and when expected to, implement, those decisions.
Well, I've rambled on and avoided my other responsibilities long enough, for now, so I'm going to close this blog. Sometime soon, I'll probably add a post with some opinions about the practises of BDSM, and maybe another comparing the characteristics of Dominants, submissives, sadists, and masochists.
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Schroedinger’s Cat, Chapter 6 - Grief, Love, and a Ghost
I hope you find it worth the wait.
As always, constructive criticism and comments, as well as praise, is always welcome.
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
By the way, Chapter 6 of Schroedinger's Cat is subtitled Grief, Love, and a Ghost, and it's still on track for posting this weekend, maybe Friday night.
Still researching for the other story.
Monday, January 7, 2008
New chapters, new story
I committed to writing another story in the saga of Galen Cuvier and his ladies, and I have the bones of a plot worked out for it. Hopefully I will have some time to flesh those out soon.
Finally, the idea I had for a story that takes place in another author's universe is going to proceed. It'll be my first time trying to collaborate with multiple other writers in terms of maintaining some sort of consistency with a common future history. Look at the stories in Thinking Horndog's Swarm universe for background. I still have a little more research to do before I can start writing in earnest, so I'm not sure how long the project will take.
Thursday, January 3, 2008
Reviving Breakdown
While Breakdown was a good title for the original story (because it started with an automobile breakdown), I don't think that it would be an appropriate title for the continued work, so I've decided to close out the current story with its epilogue, just as I did in the original posting. Because the vagaries of posting at Literotica prohibit me from posting the epilogue as a standalone document, it will be appended to an edit of Chapter 4.
I have an outline for the first chapter of the new story, and I know it begins in Galen's home in Atlanta. No doubt an appropriate title will manifest in good time.
Work continues, albeit slowly, on Schroedinger's Cat, and I have ideas in the works for two other stories. One of those is in another author's universe, though, which leads to two problems: first, I don't publish in another's universe without their permission and willing support, and second, I don't want to invest the time in writing there, if permission to publish isn't forthcoming; I blindsided an author like that once before, and got lucky - the other author welcomed my effort - but you can't count on things like that. I have emailed a query to the author of that universe, and time will tell if my idea bears any fruit.
That's all the news for now. I hope you all are having a wonderful New Year!